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Butte Handball
History of Missoula Handball
History of Missoula Handball

Handball in Missoula was played before World War II in the 

basement of the St. Anthony's Church and in the wrestling 

room of the Men's Gym at the University of Montana. The

origin of standardized play was a picture painted by Bob

Curry and Jim Mayes. Dr. Bob Curry, Grizzly team physician

and campus health service official, improvised a mini-court in

his barn up Patty Canyon in 1960. Along about that time Jim

Mayes, ex-Grizzly premier pole vaulter, put in an area above

the old Florence Laundry on East Front Street. Mayes used

plywood with ceramic tile attached, products of the Weyerhauser

Corporation. Today he runs the Court House on S.W. Higgins Avenue,

one of the best facilities in the Northwest. Racquetball participants far

outnumber handball zealots, but as Mayes puts it, "it can't ever replace

the two-handed sport." Handball has come a long ways in Missoula - all

the way from a church cellar.

John T. Campbell, Missoulian